Budget is one of the important methods to gain financial security. It helps to get control over finances before going toward the direction of disaster. Disaster can be in any form such as not being able to help during family emergencies, not have a good retirement, credit card loaded with high balance debt, forcing towards filing for bankruptcy.
We should not spend more than we earn. Budgeting will help ensure we are on the right track. Budgeting is an accounting term of income and expenses during a certain period of time - monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly. It helps to find out how much we earn and how much we can spend.
To have a budget does not mean that you cannot have fun; it gives you more choice to spend your earned money. It is always better to control your budget than to be controlled by spending.
Most of the people love to spend and there may not be any surprise that we do not keep track of spending. So here are more reasons why we need to make a budget:
5) Allows To Live Better Life:
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1) Happy Retirement:
Saving money and not having any credit card debt is a
good thing. But do you think this is enough? Not only we should spend
money carefully we also should save it for the future. Budget can help to
put aside some funds. So that a portion of your income can be set towards IRA, 401 K
or other retirement funds. You would have to sacrifice now but it will accumulate and can be a good source of funds for a better future.
2) Help Prepare For Emergencies:
Our life presents us with many good and bad surprises.
Anyone can become sick, injured, or laid off, which can lead to serious
financial problem. Of course, this always seems to come when you are already
short of money. That’s why we need to have a budget for an emergency fund. We
can try to save at least $25 every week which will be $1,300 savings toward
emergency fund yearly.
3) Ensure Money Is Spent From What You Have:
In today’s generation, most people use the credit card
for payment. When we are paying through a credit card we don’t feel like paying
and we tend to use more. This ends up having high credit card debt. However, if
we create a budget and enforce ourselves to work with it we will know money
earned, how much can be spent and how much needs to be saved. Definitely
crunching all those numbers will take some time and might be boring but for
sure it’s better than to have high debt.
4) Shows Bad Spending Habits:
Many times, I buy things that I don’t need that lead
to more expenses. Creating a budget will clearly show our spending habits. If
you are like me then the budget will be helpful to show where the expenses can
be cut off on things we don’t need. Do you watch all the channels at home or
just need sports/movie/news channel? If you do not watch all channels then
it’s better to eliminate services which we do not need. Budget will give you
the ability to see your spending habits properly and focus towards a financial
5) Allows To Live Better Life:
will help us to control our money. Being debt free will allow us to travel,
spend more time with family, quit the job, start own business and so much
more. Ultimately, we will have a higher quality of life and peace of mind.
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